Monday, February 24, 2014

Kesar Mango Shrikhand 2.0

Kesar Mango Shrikhand, also known as Amrakhand is one of the favorite desserts which goes well with Puri & Aloo sukhi bhaaji, recipe of which coming soon :) The preparation time for this recipe is less than 10 minutes.

I had posted the recipe of Kesar-Mango Shrikhand here a couple of years ago. This time I tried making it with Greek Yogurt.  I guess it yields slightly more quantity than the regular yogurt, though I felt that the texture of both the recipes is more or less the same.   


Serves: 4 - 6 

Greek Yogurt - 32 oz. 
Sugar - 1/3 Cup (or to taste.  Can adjust it as you go.
Fresh Mangoes - 1/2, cubed
Mango pulp - 1/2 cup (fresh mangoes or canned pulp)
Almonds - a handful, chopped, 
Pistachios - a handful, chopped
Saffron - a few strands
Milk - 1 tablespoon
  • Tie Yogurt in a cheese cloth so that the excess water is drained.  Though I kept it over night, 4 hours should suffice.
  • Warm a tablespoon of milk.  Add saffron strands in it and let it stand for an hour or more.
  • Powder the sugar in a coffee grinder.
  • Transfer the yogurt into a container.  The texture and consistency would be like whipped butter.  Add powdered sugar and mango pulp.  Mix.  Add the fresh mango pieces, keeping some aside for garnishing.  You may add more powdered sugar at any point.
  • Chop almonds into small pieces, dry roast for a minute or two.
  • Add chopped almonds, pistachios, saffron to the mixture and refrigerate it for a couple of hours.
  • Garnish it with saffron strands, almonds, pistachios, and mango cubes.
Enjoy the chilled shrikhand with puris :)

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