Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Kanda Bhajji, Hot Masala Chai & Bay Area Rains - Pure Bliss!!

You cannot not have Kanda bhajjis on this beautiful Bay Area rainy evening!!  Work out some extra tomorrow, if you have to!  Here is a simple 15 minute recipe to enjoy the blissful rains.  Savor it with Masala Chai and your evening is made!


Onion - 1 1/2 medium, vertically sliced
Gram flour (Besan) - 3/4 - 1 cup
Rice flour - 1/3 cup
Soda (Eno or some such) - 1/4 teaspoon
Chaat Masala (Must) - 1 teaspoon or to taste
Oil - 2 teaspoon + for deep frying
Turmeric powder - 3/4 teaspoon
Red chili powder - 1/2 teaspoon
Coriander powder - 3/4 teaspoon
Black salt (sanchar) - 1/2 teaspooon (limit reguar salt based on how much you add this)
Salt - to taste
Fresh coriander - 10-15 sprigs, chopped
Green chillies - 1/2 Medium sized, finely chopped
Water 1/2 cup, or as necessary
Lemon juice (optional) - 1 teaspoon

Vertically slice onions, put it in a bowl, top it with gram flour and rice flour.  Add turmeric powder, red chili powder, coriander powder, salt, black salt, chopped coriander, chopped green chillies.  Mix it.  Add eno, lemon juice (optional).  Mix again.  Add water by tablespoon, only as much necessary as to mix all of the mixture together and have the onions coat with the flour.  

Heat oil for frying. Add 2 teaspoons of hot oil to the above mixture, mix well.  

When the oil is hot enough (on medium flame), add the kanda bhajji by hand or using a tablespoon in hot oil. I prefer adding this by hand. Let it deep fry on one side until golden brown, then turn on the other side and let it again cook until crisp, golden brown.
Remove from oil and place it on a plate lined with absorbent paper.  Sprinkle chaat masala on it.  This step is a must :) 

Enjoy the beautiful rains and crispy Kanda bhajjis, with hot masala chai!  Pure Bliss!!!

ps: For Masala Chai you can try this recipe, sans Peppermint if you want. 

pps: I am an advocate for healthy food, but somethings are best eaten fried..just sayin', in case you were thinking of making it differently ;) 

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