Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Strawberry Oat Almond Breakfast Smoothie

This Powerhouse of an organic breakfast on the go, is packed with  richness and goodness of 3 of the Superfoods* - Oats, Strawberries, and Almonds, combined with the nutrition packed Milk, and can be ready in less than two minutes!   The smoothie can also be made into Vegan version by replacing regular milk.

Once you read the tremendous benefits of each of these ingredients, and experience convenience of 2 minute breakfast,  you will make this a regular on your diet!  Will first share the recipe, and then list some of the goodness of each of these ingredients.

Superfoods are a special category of foods found in nature. By definition they are calorie sparse and nutrient dense meaning they pack a lot of punch for their weight as far as goodness goes. They are superior sources of anti-oxidants and essential nutrients


Organic Rolled Oats - 1/2 cup
Strawberries - 5
Almonds - 10
Milk - 2% - 1 1/2 cup (use almond or soy milk for vegan version)
Agave nectar or Brown Sugar (optional) - To taste.  I used brown raw sugar

Pre-soaking is not required for rolled oats, but if you want, you can soak it in the milk about an hour before making or even the previous night.
Blend all of the above ingredients in a blender. If you want some grainier texture, then keep a spoon full of soaked rolled oats aside to add after the smoothie has been blended.

Enjoy one of the quickest, healthiest, and not to forget, the yummiest breakfast on the go!  Don't forget to scroll down to read the benefits of each of the ingredients.

Listed below are some of the benefits, though there are a lot more.  


Oats are one of the bonafide superfoods, almost gluten free (check before buying).  Oat lowers cholesterol, stabilizes blood sugar levels, reduces high blood pressure, helps in digestion, helps in losing weight, improves athletic performance, helps have a longer healthier life, and helps sleep better.


Almonds, also one of the bonafide superfoods, are a protein powerhouse. Almonds are an excellent source of vitamin E, magnesium and potassium, manganese, copper & riboflavin.  It also helps lower LDL-cholesterol, and reduce the Risk of heart disease, protects against diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, helps lose weight, and lowers the risk of weight gain.   Almonds help build strong bones and teeth, provides good brain function, nourishes the nervous system, and alkalizes the body.

Almond itself is low on Glycemic index, and in addition, it also lowers the glycemic index of the other meal taken with it.


Again a bonafide superfood, these are nutrient-rich and packed with antioxidants.  Strawberries are an excellent source of vitamin C, boosts immunity, promotes eye health, helps fight cancer, keep wrinkles at bay, boosts fiber, aids in weight management, and fights bad cholesterol.  With their impact on the reduction of LDL, inflammation and high blood pressure, strawberries have earned the title of one of the most heart-healthy fruits you can eat.


Milk is filled with nine essential nutrients that benefit our health.  These being Calcium, which builds healthy bones and teeth, maintains bone mass; Protein, which serves as a source of energy, builds/repairs muscle tissue; Potassium, which helps maintain healthy blood pressure;  Phosphorus, which helps strengthen bones, and generate energy, Vitamin D, which helps maintain bones,  Vitamin B12, which maintains healthy red blood cells and nerve tissue; Vitamin A, which maintains the immune system; helps maintain normal vision and skin, Riboflavin (B2), which converts food into energy; and Niacin, which metabolizes sugars and fatty acids

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