Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Green Revolution

Who knew fruits and veggies could be so tasty! This is a Green Revolution in a glass.  It tastes even better than it looks.  Trust me or try it for yourself. 


Kale - Handful 
Lettuce - Handful
Spinach - Half a bunch
Cucumber - 1/2 (medium size)
Strawberries 4-5
Apple - 1
Orange - 1
Lime - 1
Water - 1 cup (optional)

Salt and Pepper (Optional) - To taste

  • Juice the above ingredients in a juicer. I used the Omega J8006 Nutrition juicer.  Run the veggies and fruits twice through the juicer to extract the most juice out of it.  Can add water while running it the second time.
Cheers to a Glass-full of Awesomeness!

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