Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Baba Ghanoush | Smoky Eggplant Dip

Baba Ghanoush: The earthy, smoky, nutty, creamy taste of this Arabic dip may surprise you even if you are not a fan of eggplant.  The taste of eggplant does not overpower this dip. It's a mix of just right taste, texture, and flavor.  Not to forget, healthy too! It is rich in protein and beneficial minerals.

There are various different versions of making it, this one is the one i like.  Generally Baba Ghanoush is eaten with Pita bread.  You can also eat it as a dip for crackers, veggies, or as a sandwich spread.  


Eggplant - 1 medium sized
Tahini - 3-4 tablespoons
Garlic - 2 pods
Salt - to taste
Olive oil - 2 tablespoons or to taste
Lemon juice - 1-2 teaspoons, adjusted to your taste preference
Cumin (optional) - 1/2 teaspoon, roasted
Parsley (optional - for garnish) - few sprigs, finely chopped

  • Roast eggplant on a gas burner on medium heat.  Turn it often, so that it is evenly roasted on all sides.  In case roasting on the gas burner is not possible for you, you may apply some olive oil, place it in a tray, roast it in oven pre-heated at 350 degrees - turning every few minutes until done.
  • Let it cool, remove the skin and roughly chop it. This may be a little messy step and so feel free to wear gloves if need be. It's ok, rather preferable, to leave some part of skin on the eggplant.  
  • In a blender, add roughly chopped eggplant, 2 peeled garlic pods, salt, roasted cumin (optional) and start blending it.  Slowly add tahini and a tablespoon of olive oil as you blend.  Process till smooth.
  • Remove it in a bowl, garnish with some more olive oil and chopped parsley.  Enjoy it with pita chips, crackers, or veggies.  This can also be used as a sandwich spread.

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