Thursday, November 14, 2013

Beaten Coffee: Poem in a Cup

Cheers and and Ode to Sachin - on his final innings!  I dedicate this post to the God of Cricket!

Growing up, we used to study all night for exams. Bunch of friends would gather and the night used ensue with bit of studies, Then, it would be break time - precisely the reason we used to look forward to these study sessions (:. Beaten coffee used to be one of the highlights of the session!  It wasn't just coffee - it used to be a concoction of patience and labor of love, made with great care and due respect. Nostalgia ensues, whenever I make this coffee.

No fancy schmancy coffee machine can beat the taste of beaten coffee, even though it's already beaten! Get it? :p.  If you have ever made or tried this coffee, you would know that this one can only be made with love - and lots of it.  No one can beat the coffee, to make beaten coffee, when not in a good mood/angry!  I suspect, that exactly could be the biggest reason why beaten coffee almost always tastes so good!  Anything made with love tastes Divine. Period.


Makes 2 cups.

Instant coffee powder - 2  to 2 1/2teaspoons, or to taste. I prefer Nescafe'.
Sugar - 1 - 1 1/2 teaspoon, or to taste.  Preferably granulated sugar. I use the raw granulated sugar.
Water - 1/2 cup
Milk - 1 1/2 cup
Love - Lots of it
Patience - a bit

Milk:Water ratio can be altered to taste. 
  • Take a cup, add instant coffee powder, and sugar.  Add a couple of drops of warm/hot water.  It's ok for the mixture to be dry-ish. Start mixing it with a spoon, in clockwise circular motion.    Continue to beat the mixture.  Can add a couple of drops of water again, in a couple of minutes, making sure the mixture doesn't become liquid.  The mixture will start becoming bit airy, frothy ,and smooth as air is infused in it by rigorous beating.  Continue to beat for a total of 8-10 minutes (lesser is ok too, it all depends on how good you want the coffee to be :))
  • While you are half way beating the coffee mixture, boil water in one pan and milk in another, on medium flame.  
  • Spoon mixture in 2 different cups.  Pour half the quantity of water in each cup, over the spoon which has the mixture, followed by the milk.  Stir.  You will see bubbles and froth on top. 
  • Sprinkle instant coffee powder on top of the prepared drink.  For me, this step is a MUST.  The coffee powder sits on the froth, giving that extra coffee taste with every sip. Divine. You can also add cocoa or cinnamon powder if that is what you prefer.
Relish the Poem in a Cup :)



  1. Where did you find that mug? Oh my goodness, so cute. I like that you added "love" and "patience" to the recipe too. Much needed with a cup of coffee sometimes.

    1. Hi Laura, I bought the mug from Italy.

      Thanks so much for the compliment (: I loved your blog too! Thank you for stopping by.
