Monday, October 14, 2013

An Experiment: Some call it Miracle, others, the way of Life!

Since childhood, I have been taught by my Parents to respect food - whether eating, cooking, or serving.  I have grown up to always believe that when you cook food, your mood and intention reflects in the taste and quality of the food - hence I always try to be in happy and pleasant mood when cooking.  

Recently I was reading a book named E-Squared by Pam Grout.  It suggested an experiment based on similar theory and so I thought why not test this theory which I always have thought to be true.  Per the experiment, about 10 days ago, I planted 5 moong seeds each, in 2 different planters, with exact same soil, watered it equally at the exact same times regularly - no difference at all.  I named one planter 'A' and another one 'B'.  Only difference was, I intended for the contents of planter 'A' to grow well, and blessed with positive vibes and love.  Also wrote the word 'Love' at the bottom of planter 'A'. Can you guess which one is planter 'A' in this picture? 

If you guessed the planter on the left side, you are correct! It is incredible what thoughts can do to food, water, and everything else.

This kinda agrees with the experiment done by Dr. Masuru Emoto, as depicted in the movie 'What the bleep do we know'.   

Loved doing this experiment, and thought it was worth sharing here.

Whether you are believer, religious, spiritual, or not, set good intention when you cook and/or eat the food, and say a little 10 second prayer of gratitude with all your heart: "Thank you. This food will nourish my mind, body, and soul." (Or of those who would consume it). It invariably works, no matter what food you are cooking/eating.  When you set this intention whole heartedly, the same bread that you eat everyday, would all of a sudden taste different. Try it.


  1. Great ...thanx for sharing and love to read your blog!!

  2. so simple and yet so meaningful and touching! Lovely experiment

  3. I did this experiment too with simple cress and it worked!

  4. e-squared is a great book but people should be positive while doing the experiments because if they are negative nothing will work out it is a waste reading this book keep the good energy and experiments going all around thank you

  5. I did this experiment with peas...and it was amazing...the right side didnt even come up! Amazing! Same peas...same dirt...same watering...same minds are so amazing...we don't even realize!

  6. I have to try this! Just started the book myself and Experiment #1 is a success. Pretty incredible stuff!!!

  7. Sonal! This is Deepti(Rupal's friend). I am all emotional reading your blog. It is so true. Positve vibes apply to our life in many ways. Just thinking of positive vibes, heals soul and body (or so do I believe it). I have experienced it in my personal life. Bless your heart. keep blogging. I have to get the book E-squared for my read. Happy holidays to you.

    1. Thanks a lot for your kind words, Deeptiben. Means a lot. Thank you for your blessings.
